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II: 10, 171-174, LNM 51 (1968)
MEYER, Paul-André
Les résolvantes fortement fellériennes d'après Mokobodzki (Potential theory)
On a compact space, a submarkov kernel $N$ has the strong Feller property if it maps Borel bounded functions into continuous functions, and the stronger Feller property if the mapping $x\rightarrow \epsilon_x N$ is continuous in the norm topology of measures. It is proved that the product of two strong Feller kernels is stronger Feller, and as a consequence if the kernels of are resolvent are strong Feller they are automatically stronger Feller
Comment: This follows from a result on weakly compact operators on continuous functions due to Grothendieck (Canadian J. Math., 5, 1953). Mokobodzki's proof is less general (it uses positivity) but very simple. This result is rather useful
Keywords: Resolvents, Strong Feller properties
Nature: Exposition
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II: 11, 175-199, LNM 51 (1968)
MEYER, Paul-André
Compactifications associées à une résolvante (Potential theory)
Let $E$ be a locally compact space, $(U_p)$ be a submarkovian resolvent, with a potential kernel $U=U_0$ which maps $C_k$ (the continuous functions with compact support) into continuous bounded functions. Let $F$ be a compact space containing $E$ as a dense subset, but inducing possibly a coarser topology. It is assumed that all potentials $Uf$ with $f\in C_k$ extend to continuous functions on $F$, and that points of $F$ are separated by continuous functions on $F$ whose restriction to $E$ is supermedian. Then it is shown how to extend the resolvent to $F$ and imitate the construction of a Ray semigroup and a strong Markov process. This was an attempt to compactify the space using only supermedian functions, not $p$-supermedian for all $p>0$. An application to Markov chains is given
Comment: This method of compactification suggested by Chung's boundary theory for Markov chains (similarly Doob, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 149, 1970) never superseded the standard Ray-Knight approach
Keywords: Resolvents, Ray compactification, Martin boundary, Boundary theory
Nature: Original
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IV: 15, 170-194, LNM 124 (1970)
Densité relative de deux potentiels comparables (Potential theory)
The main problem considered here is the following: given a transient resolvent $(V_{\lambda})$ on a measurable space, a finite potential $Vg$, an excessive function $u$ dominated by $Vg$ in the strong sense (i.e., $Vg-u$ is excessive), show that $u=Vf$ for some $f\leq g$, and compute $f$ by some ``derivation'' procedure, like $\lim_{\lambda\rightarrow\infty} \lambda(I-\lambda V_{\lambda})\,u$
Comment: The main theorem and the technical tools of its proof have been landmarks in the potential theory of a resolvent, though in the case of the resolvent of a good Markov process there is a simple probabilistic proof of the main result. Another exposition can be found in Séminaire Bourbaki, 422, November 1972. See also Chapter XII of Dellacherie-Meyer, Probabilités et potentiel, containing new proofs due to Feyel
Keywords: Resolvents, Strong ordering, Lebesgue derivation theorem
Nature: Original
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IV: 16, 195-207, LNM 124 (1970)
Quelques propriétés remarquables des opérateurs presque positifs (Potential theory)
A sequel to the preceding paper 415. Almost positive operators are candidates to the role of derivation operators relative to a resolvent
Comment: Same as 415
Keywords: Resolvents, Strong ordering, Lebesgue derivation theorem
Nature: Original
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VII: 27, 291-300, LNM 321 (1973)
On the existence of resolvents (Potential theory)
Since the basic results of Hunt, a kernel satisfying the complete maximum principle is expected to be the potential kernel of a sub-Markov resolvent. This is not always the case, however, and one should also express that, so to speak, ``potentials vanish at the boundary''. Such a condition is given here on an abstract space, which supersedes an earlier result of the author (Invent. Math. 17, 1972) and a result of Hirsch (Ann. Inst. Fourier, 22-1, 1972)
Comment: The definitive paper of Taylor on this subject appeared in Ann. Prob., 3, 1975
Keywords: Complete maximum principle, Resolvents
Nature: Original
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