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IV: 10, 108-131, LNM 124 (1970)
FUCHS, Aimé; LETTA, Giorgio
L'inégalité de Kullback. Application à la théorie de l'estimation (Information theory, Mathematical statistics)
This paper brings together, and shows the mutual relation of a number of classical definitions, centering on Shannon's mutual information of two probability measures, $G(\lambda|\mu)=\int \log {d\lambda\over d\mu}\,d\mu$
Comment: To be asked from the authors
Keywords: Kullback inequality, Cramer-Rao inequality, Sufficient statistics
Nature: Original
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XII: 23, 332-341, LNM 649 (1978)
Lois empiriques et distance de Prokhorov (Mathematical statistics)
Let $F$ be a distribution function, and $F_n$ be the corresponding (random) empirical distribution functions. Let $d$ be a distance on the set of distribution functions. The problem is the speed of convergence of $F_n$ to $F$, i.e., to find the exponent $\alpha$ such that $P(n^{\alpha}d(F_n,F)>u)$ remains bounded and bounded away from $0$ for some $u>0$. The distance used is that of Prohorov, for which auxiliary results are proved. It is shown that the exponent lies between 1/3 and 1/2, the latter case being that of regular distribution functions, but the whole interval being possible for sufficiently singular ones
Keywords: Empirical distribution function, Prohorov distance
Nature: Original
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XII: 24, 342-363, LNM 649 (1978)
Estimation des densités~: risque minimax (Mathematical statistics)
A sequel to the preceding paper 1223. The speed of convergence in the estimation of the density of a law $f$ from the observation of a sample is discussed
Comment: For a correction see 1360. An improved version appeared in (Zeit. für W-theorie, 47, 1979)
Keywords: Empirical distribution function
Nature: Original
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XIII: 60, 647-647, LNM 721 (1979)
Corrections à un exposé antérieur (Mathematical statistics)
Two misprints and a more substantial error (in the proof of proposition 1) of 1224 are corrected
Comment: A revised version appeared in (Zeit. für W-Theorie, 47, 1979)
Keywords: Empirical distribution function, Prohorov distance
Nature: Correction
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