III: 11, 155-159, LNM 88 (1969)
MEYER, Paul-André
Une nouvelle démonstration des théorèmes de section (
General theory of processes)
The proof of the section theorems has improved over the years, from complicated-false to complicated-true, and finally to easy-true. This was a step on the way, due to Dellacherie (inspired by Cornea-Licea,
Z. für W-theorie, 10, 1968)
Comment: This is essentially the definitive proof, using a general section theorem instead of capacity theory
Keywords: Section theorems,
Optional processes,
Previsible processesNature: Original
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IX: 08, 239-245, LNM 465 (1975)
MEYER, Paul-André
Un nouveau théorème de projection et de section (
General theory of processes)
Optional section and projection theorems are proved without assuming the ``usual conditions'' on the filtration
Comment: This paper is obsolete. As stated at the end by the authors, the result could have been deduced from the general theorem in Dellacherie
705. The result takes its definitive form in Dellacherie-Meyer,
Probabilités et Potentiel, theorems IV.84 of vol. A and App.1, \no~6
Keywords: Section theorems,
Optional processes,
Projection theoremsNature: Original
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IX: 25, 466-470, LNM 465 (1975)
MEYER, Paul-André;
YAN, Jia-An
Génération d'une famille de tribus par un processus croissant (
General theory of processes)
The previsible and optional $\sigma$-fields of a filtration $({\cal F}_t)$ on $\Omega$ are studied without the usual hypotheses: no measure is involved, and the filtration is not right continuous. It is proved that if the $\sigma$-fields ${\cal F}_{t-}$ are separable, then so is the previsible $\sigma$-field, and the filtration is the natural one for a continuous strictly increasing process. A similar result is proved for the optional $\sigma$-field assuming $\Omega$ is a Blackwell space, and then every measurable adapted process is optional
Comment: Making the filtration right continuous generally destroys the separability of the optional $\sigma$-field
Keywords: Previsible processes,
Optional processesNature: Original
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X: 25, 521-531, LNM 511 (1976)
Séparabilité optionnelle, d'après Doob (
General theory of processes)
A real valued function $f(t)$ admits a countable set $D$ as a separating set if the graph of $f$ is contained in the closure of its restriction to $D$. Doob's well known theorem asserts that every process $X$ has a modification all sample functions of which admit a common separating set $D$ (deterministic). It is shown that if $D$ is allowed to consist of (the values of) countably many stopping times, then every optional process is separable without modification. Applications are given
Comment: Doob's original paper appeared in
Ann. Inst. Fourier, 25, 1975. See also
1105Keywords: Optional processes,
Section theoremsNature: Exposition,
Original additions
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XI: 05, 47-50, LNM 581 (1977)
Deux remarques sur la séparabilité optionnelle (
General theory of processes)
Optional separability was defined by Doob,
Ann. Inst. Fourier, 25, 1975. See also Benveniste,
1025. The main remark in this paper is the following: given any optional set $H$ with countable dense sections, there exists a continuous change of time $(T_t)$ indexed by $[0,1[$ such that $H$ is the union of all graphs $T_t$ for $t$ dyadic. Thus Doob's theorem amounts to the fact that every optional process becomes separable in the ordinary sense once a suitable continuous change of time has been performed
Keywords: Optional processes,
Changes of timeNature: Original
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XVI: 27, 314-318, LNM 920 (1982)
Sur le théorème de la convergence dominée (
General theory of processes,
Stochastic calculus)
Consider previsible processes $U^n,U$ such that $U^n_T\rightarrow U_T$ in some sense at bounded previsible times $T$. The problem discussed is whether stochastic integrals $\int U^n_s dX_s$ converge (in the same sense) to $\int U_sdX_s$. Under a domination hypothesis, the answer is shown to be positive if the convergence is either weak convergence in $L^1$, or convergence in probability. The existence of the limiting process $U$ is not assumed in the paper; it is proved by a modification of an argument of Mokobodzki for which see
1110Keywords: Stopping times,
Optional processes,
Weak convergence,
Stochastic integralsNature: Original
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