XV: 14, 206-209, LNM 850 (1981)
McGILL, Paul
A direct proof of the Ray-Knight theorem (
Brownian motion)
The (first) Ray-Knight theorem describes the law of the process $(L_T^{1-a})_{0\le a\le 1}$ where $(L^a_t)$ is the family of local times of Brownian motion starting from $0$ and $T$ is the hitting time of $1$. A direct proof is given indeed. It is reproduced in Revuz-Yor,
Continuous Martingales and Brownian Motion, Chapter XI, exercice (2.7)
Keywords: Local times,
Ray-Knight theorems,
Bessel processesNature: New proof of known results
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XX: 31, 465-502, LNM 1204 (1986)
McGILL, Paul
Integral representation of martingales in the Brownian excursion filtration (
Brownian motion,
Stochastic calculus)
An integral representation is obtained of all square integrable martingales in the filtration $({\cal E}^x,\ x\in
R)$, where ${\cal E}^x$ denotes the Brownian excursion $\sigma$-field below $x$ introduced by D. Williams
1343, who also showed that every $({\cal E}^x)$ martingale is continuous
Comment: Another filtration $(\tilde{\cal E}^x,\ x\in
R)$ of Brownian excursions below $x$ has been proposed by Azéma; the structure of martingales is quite diffferent: they are discontinuous. See Y. Hu's thesis (Paris VI, 1996), and chap.~16 of Yor,
Some Aspects of Brownian Motion, Part~II, Birkhäuser, 1997
Keywords: Previsible representation,
FiltrationsNature: Original
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XXII: 16, 163-165, LNM 1321 (1988)
McGILL, Paul;
RAJEEV, Bhaskaran;
Extending Lévy's characterisation of Brownian motion
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XXVI: 21, 234-248, LNM 1526 (1992)
McGILL, Paul
Generalised transforms, quasi-diffusions, and Désiré André's equation
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XXXII: 27, 412-425, LNM 1686 (1998)
McGILL, Paul
Brownian motion, excursions, and matrix factors
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