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3 matches found
XLII: 06, 153-169, LNM 1978 (2009)
DEMNI, Nizar
Radial Dunkl processes associated with dihedral systems
Nature: Original
XLIV: 09, 191-206, LNM 2046 (2012)
DEMNI, Nizar; HMIDI, Taoufik
Spectral Distribution of the Free unitary Brownian motion: another approach (Non commutative probability theory)
Keywords: Free unitary Brownian motion, Spectral distribution
Nature: Original
XLVII: 21, 443-466, LNM 2137 (2015)
DEMNI, Nizar; ROUAULT, Alain; ZANI, Marguerite
Large Deviations for Clocks of Self-similar Processes
Nature: Original