IV: 04, 47-59, LNM 124 (1970)
Principe de dualité pour des espaces de suites associés à une suite de variables aléatoires (
The ``duality principe'' (too technical to be stated here) is a result of L.~Schwartz on Banach spaces of type (L), i.e., consisting of sequences $(b_n)$ such that $\sum_n b_nX_n$ is bounded in probability, where $(X_n)$ is a given sequence of r.v.'s
Comment: Related to the theory of radonifying maps, then in fast progress. To be completed
Keywords: Banach spaces,
Radonifying mapsNature: Exposition
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IX: 09, 246-267, LNM 465 (1975)
Processus et espaces de Banach invariants par réarrangement (
The first topic of this paper is the class of processes on an interval with exchangeable increments, which includes all processes with independent and stationary increments, but also the standard Brownian bridge (for several results quoted here, see Kallenberg,
Z. für W-theorie, 27, 1973). The results are applied to problems in the classification of Banach spaces, in the spirit of Dacunha-Castelle-Schreiber,
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré, 10, 1974
Keywords: Banach spaces,
Exchangeable random variablesNature: Original
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IX: 10, 268-284, LNM 465 (1975)
Sous-espaces symétriques des espaces d'Orlicz (
Will be asked from the author
Comment: To be asked from the author. See Dacunha-Castelle-Schreiber,
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré, 10, 1974
Keywords: Banach spacesNature: Original
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