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5 matches found
XII: 26, 378-397, LNM 649 (1978)
Comportement non-tangentiel et comportement brownien des fonctions harmoniques dans un demi-espace. Démonstration probabiliste d'un théorème de Calderon et Stein (Potential theory, Real analysis)
Given a harmonic function $u$ in a half space, Stein (Acta Math. 106, 1961) shows that the boundary points $x$ such that 1) $u$ has a non-tangential limit at $x$, 2) $u$ is ``non tangentially bounded'' near $x$, 3) $\nabla u$ is locally $L^2$ in the non-tangential cones at $x$, are the sames, except for sets of measure $0$. This result is given here a probabilistic proof using conditional Brownian motion
Keywords: Harmonic functions in a half-space, Non-tangential limits
Nature: Original
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XXXVII: 10, 246-250, LNM 1832 (2003)
Deux notions équivalentes d'unicité en loi pour les équations différentielles stochastiques

XLI: 13, 265-278, LNM 1934 (2008)
BROSSARD, Jean; LEURIDAN, Christophe
Transformations browniennes et compléments indépendants: résultats et problèmes ouverts
Nature: Original
XLV: 06, 167-180, LNM 2078 (2013)
BROSSARD, Jean; LEURIDAN, Christophe
Characterising Ocone Local Martingales with Reflections (Theory of processes)
Keywords: Ocone matingales, reflection principle
Nature: Original
XLVI: 15, 377-394, LNM 2123 (2014)
BROSSARD, Jean; ÉMERY, Michel; LEURIDAN, Christophe
Skew-product decomposition of planar Brownian motion and complementability
Nature: Original