V: 02, 17-20, LNM 191 (1971)
ASSOUAD, Patrice
Démonstration de la ``Conjecture de Chung'' par Carleson (
Markov processes,
Independent increments)
Chung conjectured that singletons are polar sets for driftless subordinators. This paper gives Carleson's (unpublished) analytic proof of it
Comment: See Chung,
C. R. Acad. Sci. ,
260, 1965, p.4665. For the statement of the problem see Meyer
314. For Kesten's earlier (contrary to a statement in the paper!) probabilistic proof see Bretagnolle
503. See also
Séminaire Bourbaki 21th year,
361, June 1969
Keywords: Subordinators,
Polar setsNature: Exposition
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