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XV: 26, 351-370, LNM 850 (1981)
Mesurabilité des débuts et théorème de section~: le lot à la portée de toutes les bourses (General theory of processes)
One of the main topics in these seminars has been the application to stochastic processes of results from descriptive set theory and capacity theory, at different levels. Since these results are considered difficult, many attempts have been made to shorten and simplify the exposition. A noteworthy one was 511, in which Dellacherie introduced ``rabotages'' (306) to develop the theory without analytic sets; see also 1246, 1255. The main feature of this paper is a new interpretation of rabotages as a two-persons game, ascribed to Telgarsky though no reference is given, leading to a pleasant exposition of the whole theory and its main applications
Keywords: Section theorems, Capacities, Sierpinski's ``rabotages''
Nature: Original
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