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XI: 18, 327-339, LNM 581 (1977)
CAIROLI, Renzo; WALSH, John B.
Prolongement de processus holomorphes. Cas ``carré intégrable'' (Several parameter processes)
This paper concerns a class of two-parameter (real) processes adapted to the filtration of the Brownian sheet, and called holomorphic in the seminal paper of the authors in Acta Math. 4, 1975. These processes have stochastic integral representations along (increasing) paths, with a common kernel called their derivative. Under an integrability restriction, a process holomorphic in a region of the plane is shown to be extendable as a holomorphic process to a larger region of a canonical shape (intersection of a rectangle and a disk centered at the origin)
Comment: See also 1119
Keywords: Holomorphic processes, Brownian sheet
Nature: Original
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