X: 23, 501-504, LNM 511 (1976)
MEYER, Paul-André;
YOEURP, Chantha
Sur la décomposition multiplicative des sousmartingales positives (
Martingale theory)
This paper expands part of Yoeurp's paper
1021, to cover the decomposition of positive submartingales instead supermartingales, assuming that the process never vanishes. A corollary is that every positive (not necessarily strictly so) submartingale $X_t$ is the optional projection of an increasing process $C_t$, non-adapted, such that $0\leq C_t\leq X_{\infty}$
Comment: See the comments on
1021 for the general case. The latter result is related to Meyer
817. For a related paper, see
1203. Further study in
1620Keywords: Multiplicative decompositionNature: Original
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