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24 matches found
III: 12, 160-162, LNM 88 (1969)
MEYER, Paul-André
Rectification à des exposés antérieurs (Markov processes, Martingale theory)
Corrections are given to the talk 202 by Cartier, Meyer and Weil and to the talk 106 by Meyer
Comment: This note introduces ``Walsh's fork'', the well-known strong Markov process whose dual is not strong Markov
Keywords: Time reversal, Stochastic integrals
Nature: Correction
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VII: 29, 319-321, LNM 321 (1973)
Pseudo-quotient de deux mesures, application à la dualité (Potential theory)
Contains the four last pages of 617 omitted from Volume VI
Nature: Correction
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IX: 07, 237-238, LNM 465 (1975)
MEYER, Paul-André
Complément sur la dualité entre $H^1$ et $BMO$ (Martingale theory)
Fills a gap in the proof of the duality theorem in 714
Keywords: $BMO$
Nature: Correction
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IX: 39, 589-589, LNM 465 (1975)
Correction à ``Processus de Galton-Watson'' (Markov processes)
Proposition 1(ii) p.126 of 713 is true only in the case $q=0$
Keywords: Branching processes
Nature: Correction
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XII: 41, 523-523, LNM 649 (1978)
Erratum et addendum à ``les dérivations en théorie descriptive des ensembles et le théorème de la borne'' (Descriptive set theory)
A few corrections to 1104
Keywords: Derivations (set-theoretic), Kunen-Martin theorem
Nature: Correction
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XII: 47, 739-739, LNM 649 (1978)
CHUNG, Kai Lai
Correction to "Pedagogic Notes on the Barrier Theorem" (Potential theory)
Corrects an error in 1103
Keywords: Classical potential theory, Barrier, Regular points
Nature: Correction
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XII: 48, 739-739, LNM 649 (1978)
MEYER, Paul-André
Correction à ``Retour sur la représentation de $BMO$'' (Martingale theory)
Two errors in 1131 are corrected
Keywords: Stochastic integrals, $BMO$
Nature: Correction
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XII: 49, 739-739, LNM 649 (1978)
MEYER, Paul-André
Correction à ``Caractérisation de $BMO$ par un opérateur maximal'' (Martingale theory)
Corrects an error in 1131
Keywords: Stochastic integrals, $BMO$
Nature: Correction
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XII: 50, 739-739, LNM 649 (1978)
LÉPINGLE, Dominique
Correction au Séminaire X (Martingale theory)
Corrects a detail in 1018
Keywords: Inequalities, Angle bracket, $BMO$
Nature: Correction
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XII: 51, 740-740, LNM 649 (1978)
MEYER, Paul-André
Correction à ``Sur un théorème de C. Stricker'' (Stochastic calculus)
Fills a gap in a proof in 1132
Keywords: Stochastic integrals
Nature: Correction
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XII: 52, 740-740, LNM 649 (1978)
Correction à ``Un crible généralisé'' (Descriptive set theory)
Acknowledgement of priority and references concerning the result in 703
Keywords: Analytic sets
Nature: Correction
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XII: 53, 741-741, LNM 649 (1978)
MEYER, Paul-André
Correction à ``Inégalités de Littlewood-Paley'' (Applications of martingale theory, Markov processes)
This is an erratum to 1010
Keywords: Littlewood-Paley theory, Carré du champ, Infinitesimal generators, Semigroup theory
Nature: Correction
Retrieve article from Numdam
XIII: 60, 647-647, LNM 721 (1979)
Corrections à un exposé antérieur (Mathematical statistics)
Two misprints and a more substantial error (in the proof of proposition 1) of 1224 are corrected
Comment: A revised version appeared in (Zeit. für W-Theorie, 47, 1979)
Keywords: Empirical distribution function, Prohorov distance
Nature: Correction
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XIV: 02, 17-17, LNM 784 (1980)
GINÉ, Evarist
Corrections to ``Domains of attraction in Banach spaces'' (Gaussian processes)
Contains three minor corrections to 1303
Nature: Correction
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XIV: 29, 254-254, LNM 784 (1980)
YOEURP, Chantha
Rectificatif à l'exposé de C.S. Chou (Stochastic calculus)
A mistake in the proof of 1337 is corrected, the result remaining true without additional assumptions
Keywords: Local times, Semimartingales, Jumps
Nature: Correction
Retrieve article from Numdam
XIV: 30, 255-255, LNM 784 (1980)
Corrections à ``Décomposition des martingales locales et raréfaction des sauts'' (General theory of processes, Martingale theory)
Concerns 1311. For the definitive version, see Mém. Soc. Math. France, 62, 1979
Keywords: Central limit theorem, Skorohod topology, Local martingales, Jumps
Nature: Correction
Retrieve article from Numdam
XX: 02, 28-29, LNM 1204 (1986)
FAGNOLA, Franco; LETTA, Giorgio
Sur la représentation intégrale des martingales du processus de Poisson (Stochastic calculus, Point processes)
Dellacherie gave in 805 a proof by stochastic calculus of the previsible representation property for the Wiener and Poisson processes. A gap in this proof is filled in 928 for Brownian motion and here for Poisson processes
Keywords: Stochastic integrals, Previsible representation, Poisson processes
Nature: Correction
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XXVI: 49, 633-633, LNM 1526 (1992)
ÉMERY, Michel
Correction au Séminaire~XXIV (Stochastic differential geometry)
An error in 2428 is pointed out; it is corrected by Cohen (Stochastics Stochastics Rep. 56, 1996)
Keywords: Stochastic differential equations, Semimartingales in manifolds
Nature: Correction
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XXVI: 50, 633-633, LNM 1526 (1992)
ÉMERY, Michel; MOKOBODZKI, Gabriel
Correction au Séminaire~XXV (Stochastic differential geometry)
Points out that the conjecture (due to Émery) at the bottom of page 232 in 2519 is refuted by Kendall (J. London Math. Soc. 46, 1992)
Keywords: Martingales in manifolds
Nature: Correction
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XXXVI: 25, 492-492, LNM 1801 (2003)
Correction au volume XXXV
Nature: Correction
XXXVI: 26, 493-497, LNM 1801 (2003)
Addendum to the paper On certain probabilities equivalent to Wiener measure d'après Dubins, Feldman, Smorodinski and Tsirelson
Nature: Correction
XLII: 17, 449, LNM 1978 (2009)
Erratum to: ``New methods in the arbitrage theory of financial markets with transaction costs'', in Séminaire XLI (Mathematical finance)
Correction to 4123
Nature: Correction
XLIV: 21, 467-467, LNM 2046 (2012)
ÉMERY, Michel; YOR, Marc
Erratum to Séminaire XXVII
Comment: This is an erratum to 2714.
Keywords: Brownian motion, Continuous martingale
Nature: Correction
XLIV: 22, 468-468, LNM 2046 (2012)
Erratum to Séminaire XXXV
Comment: This is an erratum to 3520.
Keywords: Vershik's standardness criterion, Cosiness
Nature: Correction