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IX: 21, 425-436, LNM 465 (1975)
ÉMERY, Michel
Primitive d'une mesure sur les compacts d'un espace métrique (Measure theory)
It is well known that the set ${\cal K}$ of all compact subsets of a compact metric space has a natural compact metric topology. The ``distribution function'' of a positive measure on ${\cal K}$ associates with every $A\in{\cal K}$ the measure of the subset $\{K\subset A\}$ of ${\cal K}$. It is shown here (following A.~Revuz, Ann. Inst. Fourier, 6, 1955-56) that the distribution functions of measures are characterized by simple algebraic properties and right continuity
Comment: This elegant theorem apparently never had applications
Keywords: Distribution functions on ordered spaces
Nature: Exposition
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