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4 matches found
XXIV: 30, 448-452, LNM 1426 (1990)
ÉMERY, Michel; LÉANDRE, Rémi
Sur une formule de Bismut (Markov processes, Stochastic differential geometry)
This note explains why, in Bismut's work on the index theorem, the reference measure is not the Riemannian measure $r$ on the manifold, but $p_1(x,x) r(dx)$, where $p_t(x,y)$ is the density (with respect to $r$!) of the Brownian semi-group
Keywords: Brownian bridge, Brownian motion in a manifold, Transformations of Markov processes
Nature: Exposition, Original additions
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XXXIII: 20, 388-394, LNM 1709 (1999)
PITMAN, James W.
The distribution of local times of a Brownian bridge (Brownian motion)
Several useful identities for the one-dimensional marginals of local times of Brownian bridges are derived. This is a variation and extension on the well-known joint law of the maximum and the value of Brownian motion at a given time
Comment: Useful references are Borodin,Russian Math. Surveys (1989) and the book Brownian motion and stochastic calculus by Karatzas-Shrieve (Springer, 1991)
Keywords: Local times, Brownian bridge
Nature: Original
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XLV: 17, 433-458, LNM 2078 (2013)
ORTMANN, Janosch
Functionals of the Brownian Bridge (Non commutative probability theory)
Keywords: free Brownian bridge, semicircular random variables
Nature: Original
XLVI: 14, 359-375, LNM 2123 (2014)
ROSENBAUM, Mathieu; YOR, Marc
On the law of a triplet associated with the pseudo-Brownian bridge (Theory of Brownian motion)
This article gives a remarkable identity in law which relates the Brownian motion, its local time, and the the inverse of its local time
Keywords: Brownian motion, pseudo-Brownian bridge, Bessel process, local time, hitting times, scaling, uniform sampling, Mellin transform
Nature: Original