VII: 24, 248-272, LNM 321 (1973)
MÜRMANN, Michael G.
A semi-Markovian model for the Brownian motion (
Statistical mechanics)
A model for physical Brownian motion (the effect on a heavy particle of many interactions with light particles), originally proposed by Spitzer and Holley, in dimension 1, is studied in detail. The resulting process, whose construction is delicate, is non-Markovian
Comment: The last two pages of the manuscript (proof of Proposition 5 and References) were omitted at the production stage, and added as a loose sheet to vol. VIII, while another loose sheet contains an example. These sheets are not mentioned in the table of contents of vol. VIII
Keywords: Infinite particle systemsNature: Original
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VII: 26, 284-290, LNM 321 (1973)
ROST, Hermann
Relaxation in infinite spin systems (
Statistical mechanics)
The existence of a stochastic process describing an infinitely many interacting particle system is proved
Comment: This is related to Sullivan,
Zeit. für W-theorie, 31, 1974
Keywords: Interacting particle systemsNature: Original
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IX: 26, 471-485, LNM 465 (1975)
Multiplicative excessive measures and duality between equations of Boltzmann and of branching processes (
Markov processes,
Statistical mechanics)
The author investigates the connection between the branching Markov processes constructed over some given Markov processes and a non-linear equation close to Boltzmann's equation. A special class of excessive measures for the branching Markov process is described and studied, as well as the corresponding dual processes
Comment: For other contributions by the same author devoted to the relation between branching process and non-linear equations, see
1011Keywords: Boltzmann equation,
Branching processesNature: Original
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XXIX: 18, 194-201, LNM 1613 (1995)
FRANCHI, Jacques
Chaos multiplicatif : un traitement simple et complet de la fonction de partition (
Statistical mechanics)
Introduced by Mandelbrot (
Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. 278, 289--292, 1974), the model of multiplicative chaos has since been studied by several mathematicians and physicists. Using a trick of Kahane, this article presents a complete and elementary calculation of the pressure, thereby completing and simplifying previous work by Collet and Koukiou. Moreover it connects the critical temperature to the entropy, and gives a necessary and sufficient condition for finiteness of the critical temperature
Keywords: Multiplicative chaos,
Partition function,
Critical temperatureNature: Original
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XLIV: 18, 401-407, LNM 2046 (2012)
MOURRAT, Jean-Christophe
On the delocalized phase of the random pinning model (
Statistical mechanics)
Keywords: Directed Polymer models,
Partition functionNature: Original