XI: 13, 196-256, LNM 581 (1977)
WEBER, Michel
Classes uniformes de processus gaussiens stationnaires (
Gaussian processes)
To be completed
Comment: See the long and interesting review by Berman in
Math. Reviews, 56,
13343Nature: Exposition,
Original additions Retrieve article from Numdam
XIV: 46, 475-488, LNM 784 (1980)
WEBER, Michel
Sur un théorème de Maruyama (
Gaussian processes,
Ergodic theory)
Given a stationary centered Gaussian process $X$ with spectral measure $\mu$, a new proof is given of the fact that if $\mu$ is continuous, the flow of $X$ is weakly mixing
Keywords: Stationary processesNature: Original Retrieve article from Numdam
XXIV: 06, 105-106, LNM 1426 (1990)
WEBER, Michel
Une représentation gaussienne de l'indice d'un opérateur Retrieve article from Numdam
XXV: 25, 311-315, LNM 1485 (1991)
WEBER, Michel
New sufficient conditions for the law of the iterated logarithm in Banach spaces Retrieve article from Numdam
XXVI: 47, 608-618, LNM 1526 (1992)
LADOUCEUR, Stéphane;
WEBER, Michel
Note à propos d'un résultat de Kowada sur les flots analytiques Retrieve article from Numdam
XXVII: 20, 202-206, LNM 1557 (1993)
SCHNEIDER, Dominique;
WEBER, Michel
Une remarque sur un théorème de Bourgain Retrieve article from Numdam
XXVII: 21, 207-215, LNM 1557 (1993)
WEBER, Michel
Opérateurs réguliers sur les espaces $L^p$ Retrieve article from Numdam