VIII: 19, 329-343, LNM 381 (1974)
SMYTHE, Robert T.
Remarks on the hypotheses of duality (
Markov processes)
To develop the full strength of potential theory, it is helpful to assume that the basic Markov process has a right-continuous, strong Markov dual. The paper investigates what remains if this assumption is not made, i.e., if the process (transient and satisfying the absolute continuity hypothesis (hypothesis (L)) only has a left continuous moderately Markov dual process (Smythe-Walsh ,
Invent. Math.,
19, 1973)
Comment: The independent paper Garsia Alvarez-Meyer
Ann. Prob. 1, 1973, has some results in common with this one
Keywords: Dual semigroupsNature: Original
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