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VII: 12, 118-121, LNM 321 (1973)
KAZAMAKI, Norihiko
Une note sur les martingales faibles (Martingale theory)
Métivier has distinguished in the general theory of processes localization from prelocalization: a process $X$ is a local martingale if there exist stopping times $T_n$ increasing to infinity and martingales $M_n$ such that $X=M_n$ on the closed interval $[0,T_n]$ (omitting for simplicity the convention about time $0$). Replacing the closed intervals by open intervals $[0,T_n[$ defines prelocal martingales or weak martingales. It is shown that in the filtration generated by one single stopping time, processes which are prelocally martingales (square integrable martingales) are so globally. It follows that prelocal martingales may not be prelocally square integrable
Comment: The interest of weak martingales arises from their invariance by (possibly discontinuous) changes of time, see Kazamaki, Zeit. für W-theorie, 22, 1972
Keywords: Weak martingales
Nature: Original
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