XV: 45, 643-668, LNM 850 (1981)
LÉPINGLE, Dominique
Les filtrations de certaines martingales du mouvement brownien dans ${\bf R}^n$ (II) (
General theory of processes,
Brownian motion,
Martingale theory)
This is a sequel to
1336. The problem is to describe the filtration of the continuous martingale $\int_0^t (AX_s,dX_s)$ where $X$ is a $n$-dimensional Brownian motion. It is shown that if the matrix $A$ is normal (rather than symmetric as in
1336) then this filtration is that of a (several dimensional) Brownian motion. If $A$ is not normal, only a lower bound on the multiplicity of this filtration can be given, and the problem is far from solved. The complex case is also considered. Several examples are given
Comment: Further results are given by Malric
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré 26 (1990)
Nature: Original Retrieve article from Numdam