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XIII: 50, 574-609, LNM 721 (1979)
JEULIN, Thierry
Grossissement d'une filtration et applications (General theory of processes, Markov processes)
This is a sequel to the papers 1209 and 1211, giving mostly applications of the theory of enlargements (turning a honest time $L$ into a stopping time) to Markov processes. The paper begins with a computation of conditional expectations relative to ${\cal F}_{L-}$, ${\cal F}_{L}$, ${\cal F}_{L+}$. This result is applied to coterminal times of a Markov process. Again a section is devoted to a general computation on two successive enlargements, which is shown to imply (with some work) Williams' well-known decomposition of Brownian paths
Keywords: Enlargement of filtrations, Williams decomposition
Nature: Original
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