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Volume II: Semicentennial Addresses of the American Mathematical Society
Publication: American Mathematical Society 1938
Description: 316 pp.
AMS books Online: Document

A. Borel and W. Casselman, Editors
Automorphic Forms, Representations, and L-Functions
Publication: American Mathematical Society 1979
Description: 322 pp.
AMS books Online: Document

A. Borel and W. Casselman, Editors
Automorphic Forms, Representations, and L-Functions
Publication: American Mathematical Society 1979
Description: 382 pp.
AMS books Online: Document

Aleksandrov, A. D.; Zalgaller, V. A.
Intrinsic Geometry of Surfaces
Publication: American Mathematical Society 1967
Description: 327 pp.
AMS books Online: Document

Archibald, Raymond Clare
Volume I:Semicentennial History of the American Mathematical Society, 1888--1938
Publication: American Mathematical Society 1938
Description: 262 pp.
AMS books Online: Document

Armand Borel and George D. Mostow, Editors
Algebraic Groups and Discontinuous Subgroups
Publication: American Mathematical Society 1966
Description: 426 pp.
AMS books Online: Document

Birkhoff, George D.
Dynamical Systems
Publication: American Mathematical Society 1927
Description: 305 pp.
AMS books Online: Document

Brillhart, John; Lehmer, D.H.; Selfridge, J.L.; Tuckerman, Bryant; Wagstaff, Jr, S.S.
Factorizations of b^n\pm 1, b=2,3,5,6,7,10,11,12 Up to High Powers
Publication: American Mathematical Society
Description: 2002, 236 pp.
AMS books Online: Document

Felix E. Browder, Editor
Volume II: Mathematics into the Twenty-First Century
Publication: American Mathematical Society 1992
Description: 491 pp.
AMS books Online: Document

Goffman, Casper; Nishiura, Togo; Waterman, Daniel
Homeomorphisms in Analysis
Publication: American Mathematical Society 1997
Description: 216 pp.
AMS books Online: Document

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